So, having gone through a mini-meltdown following the Muse & the Marketplace, I have come to the realization that I need a vacation from the current piece I’ve been working on for the last year — Club 1692. I’ve gotten far too close to the material and can’t gain enough perspective to perform proper edits (cutting scenes wholesale, etc.).
So, I’ve decided today to shift focus to the next novel. At the very least I can plot it out and explore some character studies. I’ve already got a few scenes written from years ago, so I also have the task of figuring out which, if any, can be kept, and what additional scenes I can envision in the work.
This actually began last night at around 2:00AM when I opened Dramatica Pro for the first time in a year (you could hear the gears in the software grinding the motes of dust in their teeth). While working the story-form in the software, I discovered a wonderful relationship between the antagonist and the helper character that I hadn’t considered before. That went into both my notes and Dramatica.
We’ll see where this change of tact leads. At the very least, if Club 1692 ends up going nowhere, it helped me get through the 1st draft portion of the writing process. Sadly, I haven’t found a really good resource to describe working through the 2nd draft. Does anyone have any suggestions?