December 10, 2010

New “Current Research” Category for Post Entries

Filed under: Current Research — Tags: , — Brian Triber @ 9:47 am

As an experiment, I’ve decided it would be interesting to track my research for my current projects on the Blog. My aim is to create an ongoing conversation about those topics that affect the plots, characters, and settings of my current writing projects. If this experiment works, it will hopefully lead to more depth in understanding my writing subjects, both for me, and my readers. My guess is this will be more helpful after the fact, i.e., after someone has read a short story, to provide further informational sources. But one can never tell.


1 Comment »

  1. In follow up, one thing I’ve changed about the way I’m blogging is to create a holding tank, as it were — a place where I can create articles during my research phase. I’ve scheduled posting a blog entry once a week on Wednesdays, so if I have two or three articles in the holding tank, I’ll post only the most mature of them. This way, when I get to the point a pre-edited article on the blog, then I can get back to writing the draft.

    Comment by Brian Triber — December 17, 2010 @ 12:49 am

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